With international markets easily accessible to even the smallest businesses, we are often asked how to ensure successful globalization.
The answer is both more complicated and far simpler than you might think. Today, we’ll dive into some of the key areas that globalization strategies target and how to make sure your globalization journey is headed in the right direction.
Creating a Multilingual Website
One of the first and often most cost-effective ways to test the waters is to create a multilingual website. However, oversimplifying this approach is where most businesses fail. Expanding your online presence into new markets involves much more than simply translating your existing website content into new languages.
Keywords, region-specific search engine preferences, and localization of content must all be reevaluated and tailored to identify with the needs and wants of your new target market. Sometimes, particularly when expanding your language offerings within a local market, a multilingual website may be the way to go. Yet, for geographically distant language regions, it can actually be more beneficial to create a dedicated website for that local market, utilizing fresh market research and fresh local customer focused content.
International SEO: More Than Copy & Paste
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be headache-inducing in any language, region, and industry. However with a successful globalization strategy, International SEO is simple: you get out what you put in. It is important to first accept that all of your past painstaking market research is useless in a new region. To make your presence felt in a new market, you must be willing to invest in both targeted research and the development of new content.
You have heard it before, to successfully reach any market, you must know your customer. Without essential due diligence, including keywords, it is unlikely that you will be found by your new audience – you don’t even know what they’re searching for. By investing in targeted in-country market research for each region you wish to expand, you will put your business in a far better position to compete with the existing business and gain invaluable insight into your consumer demographic’s needs, wants, and expectations. This is how a business uniquely positions itself within a market.
International Copywriting: Localization
Copywriting, an integral part of every marketing strategy, is at the very heart of how you communicate with your customers. It is your brand’s voice, and vital to every successful globalization strategy. In today’s digital world, the relationship between a brand and its consumer base has grown exponentially from simple product labels and 30-second tv advertisements to an ongoing and nurtured relationship. Today’s audiences expect valuable information, engaging content, and a clear brand message that truly resonates with them. From website content to email marketing campaigns, even blog creation: your brand’s content copy should be drafted with each specific target audience in mind.
Connecting with your customers is paramount, and that’s why localized content is king. Your content needs the professional eye of an experienced localization expert who has the market savvy knowledge of a native speaker, with real in-country cultural experience. If not, your new audience will feel talked at, not spoken to; and that could stand in the way of cultivating otherwise strong relationships with new customer bases across the globe.
Social Media Marketing: Know Your Audience
As with international SEO, research is key with social media marketing in new regions. Consider all the factors that can affect how your new audience might interact
with your website. In China for example, the vast majority of internet users are on mobiles devices, so arguably even more time and effort should go into the development of the mobile friendly version of your site if you wish to stand out in the Chinese market. Likewise, potential customers in different regions may not use the social media platforms you’re used to. Wechat is used by Chinese consumers behind ‘The Great Firewall’ whereas Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok are top picks in Western markets.
No matter the platform, how you speak to your new customer base is just as important. Localized social media content is an integral part of successfully connecting with your audience.
Global Email Marketing: Timing and Targeting
At home, or abroad, email marketing campaigns can be a daunting task. Identifying that delicate formula of sending engaging, informative content to your consumer base that drives positive open, read, and engagement rates takes investment in market research. Consider segmenting your target demographic and tailor email content to your recipients directly. For some, this approach has been key in increasing interest from a target audience.
Aside from effective targeting, timing is everything. By knowing your target audience, you can assess peak times where they are most likely to read your emails and time your campaigns to coincide with these windows of opportunity. The most important thing to remember is how your target demographic differs between different regional markets, and ensure you are marketing to each group directly. They can tell. Keep in mind, email marketing is all about a personal approach, so make it personal.
The Key to Successful Globalization Strategy? Localize, Localize, Localize!
Globalization is the process of preparing your business to expand globally. Successful globalization is rooted in a customer first approach. For any business willing to invest in their customers, globalization can be the key to unlocking great potential growth. At PGLS, our experienced team of globalization and localization experts can help your business connect with new markets in over 200 languages in almost any region of the world.