Legal Language Solutions
Ensure Language Access Protect Client Confidentiality Promote Equal Justice Guarantee Clarity Achieve Compliance
Equal justice starts with language access for all. As a legal firm, it is crucial to be able to communicate clearly and effectively with clients who speak different languages. Integrate our language solutions to unlock your firm’s multilingual potential.

PGLS provides high-quality and easily accessible translation and interpreting solutions for your law firm in over 200 languages and regional varieties.
PGLS is the preferred language partner for legal organizations. We understand the importance of clear communication in the legal industry and strive to provide our clients with the highest quality services. Our highly trained professionals are fluent in over 200 languages and are dedicated to ensuring our clients receive accurate and reliable translations and interpretations. Partner with PGLS to ensure compliance with language access laws, improve client communication, increase client satisfaction, and expand your firm’s reach.
“The right to an interpreter rests fundamentally on the notion that no defendant should face the Kafkaesque specter of an incomprehensible ritual which may terminate in punishment.”
United States v. Carrion, 1st Circuit Court of Appeals, 1973
“We hold that one who cannot communicate effectively in English may be effectively incompetent to proceed in a criminal matter and rendered effectively absent at trial if no interpreter is provided. We also remind the bench that, as a recipient of federal funding, the court system in this State is obligated to provide persons who are ‘limited English proficient’ with meaningful access to the courts in order to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Vigilance in protecting the rights of non-English speakers is required in all of our courts.”
Ling v. State, Georgia Supreme Court, 2010
“Simply providing ‘any’ interpreter upon request is insufficient….it is imperative to ensure accurate interpretation throughout the proceedings lest we run the risk of diminishing our system of justice by infringing upon the defendant’s rights of due process.”
Ponce v. State, Indiana Supreme Court, 2014
“When state courts fail to provide competent interpreters for people in civil cases who are of limited English proficiency, they can’t protect their children, they can’t protect their homes, they can’t protect their safety. Courts suffer because they lose faith in the justice system. Society suffers because its laws cannot be enforced: laws guaranteeing minimal wages, laws barring domestic violence and illegal evictions can’t be enforced.”
Chief Judge Eric T. Washington, District of Columbia Court of Appeals
“We are aware that the loss of resources may impose an additional burden on local court jurisdictions. However, the opportunity for persons to effectively and meaningfully communicate in court proceedings and to participate in court services is a fundamental principle of justice that must be preserved despite the financial challenge it may create for local governments.”
Washington Administrative Office of the Courts, 2015
“Inability to communicate due to language differences also has an impact on the functioning of the courts and the effect of judgments, as proceedings may be delayed, the court record insufficient to meet legal standards, and court orders rendered unenforceable or convictions overturned, if a defendant or other party has not been able to understand or be understood during the proceedings.”
American Bar Association Standards for Language Access in Courts
Your Client Population is Changing Rapidly
In the last 25 years, the number of Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals in the United States has nearly doubled to over 25 million. In 2013, one out of every three counties was home to 1,000 or more LEP residents, and in one out of every five counties, at least 5% of residents identified as LEP.
Legal Translation Services
Some states provide language assistance only for courtroom proceedings, but the meaningful access requirement extends to court functions that are conducted outside the courtroom as well. These include but are not limited to: contracts & agreements, discovery materials, legal briefs, immigration documents, mediation, testimonies and depositions, patents and trademarks, and police reports. Our highly qualified legal translators can provide accurate and idiomatic translation for any domain in the legal sector. Click here to learn more about our translation services.

Legal Interpreting Services
Some courts only provide interpreter assistance in certain cases, but the DOJ views access to all court proceedings as critical. It states that “every effort should be taken to ensure competent interpretation for LEP individuals during all hearings, trials, and motions, including administrative court proceedings.” PGLS offers a broad range interpreting services so you can communicate with your legal clientele when it matters most. Our interpreters are trained to navigate legal terminology while safeguarding client confidentiality and other compliance requirements. Whether you require On-Site Interpreting, Video Remote Interpreting, or Over-the-Phone Interpreting, partner with PGLS to integrate our interpreting solutions into your legal operations.

Advocate For Your Multilingual Clients.
Partner with PGLS to gain access to comprehensive language solutions with unmatched customer support. Elevate the experience of your multilingual clients and ensure accurate and compliant communication at all times. Leverage our language access experts to implement the language solutions you need.