Website Localization

Your marketing team has worked hard to build and optimize your website. When expanding into multilingual markets, it is important to make sure your website continues to resonate with multilingual visitors. Website localization is not just about translating text, it is also about considering the various cultural nuances, preferences, and conventions of your target audience.

This is where PGLS comes in. We can localize your website to provide your multilingual visitors with a seamless and culturally appropriate experience. Rely on our localization experts to increase engagement of your multilingual visitors, and drive conversions so you can be successful in multilingual markets.

Types of Website Localization

Types of Website Localization Image
  • Government
    • Social services websites
    • Emergency and public safety portals
    • Tourism and cultural heritage portals
  •  Healthcare
    • Hospital and healthcare provider websites
    • Telehealth platforms
    • Health insurance company portals
  • Education
    • University and college websites
    • K-12 school websites
    • Professional development platforms
  • Energy
    • Utility company websites
    • Regulatory portals
    • Energy management platforms
  • Consumer Goods
    • Retail websites
    • eCommerce websites
    • Manufacturer websites
  • Life Sciences
    • Clinical trial platforms
    • Biotech research websites
    • Medical equipment manufacturer websites
  • Legal
    • Law firm websites
    • Court and judiciary websites
    • Immigration portals
  • Manufacturing
    • Manufacturing company websites
    • Supply chain management platforms
    • Industrial equipment supplier websites
  • Technology
    • SaaS company websites
    • Tech blog websites
    • Developer community forums
  • Non-Profit
    • Non-profit company websites
    • Disaster relief organization websites
    • Volunteer matching platforms

Website Localization Services

200+ Languages

We can localize your website in over 200 languages and regional varieties

CMS Agnostic

Our localization solutions are compatible with any Content Management System

Seamless Delivery

Localized website is presented instantly via our secure and cloud-based proxy engine

Instant Machine Translation

We use Machine Translation (MT) to pre-translate your content in real-time

Quality Human Translation

Our team of linguists retranslate, edit, and proofread the new content

Customizable Pricing

We offer modular pricing to meet your team's unique requirements

Our Website Localization Process



Our localization team is automatically notified when you add or edit any online content.


We use Machine Translation (MT) to pre-translate your content in real-time.


Meanwhile, the Human Translation (HT) process starts. Our team of linguists translate, edit, and proofread the new content.

Proxy Web Localization

Proxy-based website localization is a secure way to preserve your website’s functionality while automatically translating your content for multilingual users.

Website Visitor

1) A visitor requests a localized version of a website

6) The visitor is instantly presented with the localized site

PGLS Translation Proxy

2) The request goes through the proxy server

5) The proxy server replaces translatable texts and assets and applies client style guides before sending the localized site to the visitor

Web Server

3) The request is relayed to the source site server

4) The origin server sends the website to the proxy server

Request a Quote

Get in touch with our team to get a custom quote for your website localization project.

Request a Quote

Get in touch with our team to get a custom quote for your website localization project.